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Active Drivezy Coupons and Deals


Get 3 Hours FREE Rides on Amaze & Ritz (New USers)

3 hours of fare value will be waived off from your final bill. The coupon is applicable for first booking only. The coupon is applicable for booking made for only Maruti Ritz or Honda Amaze cars and not any other model. This coupon is valid once per user.


Flat 11% Cashback on all Rides begin on Thursday on Hatchback & Mini SUV

11% flat off will be given of total fare value for bookings starting on Thursday. Drivezy reserves the right to take decision in case of any dispute. Coupon valid only for a minimum booking of 72 Hours.


Flat 20% Cashback on all Rides in a month

The coupon is not applicable for the first booking starting in a month. Cashback will be credited to your Drivezy user account after you complete the ride. Cashback will be given in the form of Promo Cashback. Drivezy reserves the right to take decision in case of any dispute.


Flat 11% Cashback on Wednesday Rides on Sedans & SUV

11% flat off will be given of total fare value for bookings starting on Wednesday. Drivezy reserves the right to take decision in case of any dispute. For more details please refer to the detailed policies section. Coupon valid only for a minimum booking of 72 Hours.


Flat 10% Cashback on Honda City bookings

10% cashback will be given of total fare value for bookings made for Honda City only. Cashback will be credited to your drivezy account after you complete the ride. Cashback will be given in the form of Promo Cashback. This coupon is valid once per user.